Best Doctors Insurance® Global Medical Care™ (GMC) is a unique product that offers access to the best doctors, specialists, and medical facilities worldwide.

Our health is everything. Whether we’re talking about an individual, a family or a large corporation, optimal health is what enables us to function at our best. International health coverage provides an unmatched level of medical care. Here are the top 10 reasons why you should consider it.
  • Avoid long and unreasonable wait times. In Canada, it is not uncommon for people to wait up to over 1 year to see a specialist or begin treatment.

  • Do not be restricted to healthcare within your country. Sometimes the best medical experts or facility for your specific condition are outside your country. International health coverage enables you to acquire that care regardless of where you live.

  • Access to the best medical professionals and institutions worldwide. From doctors, to specialists, to surgeons, to medical facilities,Best Doctors Insurance crosses borders and coordinates appointments wherever necessary, quickly and expediently.

  • Funding. We offer coverage so you will not need to worry about money at a time when you should focus on your health.

  • Optional comprehensive health assessments every year. Receive screenings, careful evaluation of your risk factors and a customized plan to help you achieve optimal health. Many people report that these regular, thorough assessments changed their lives.

  • Get a second medical opinion. Hear what another top specialist has to say about your condition to help you can make informed decisions about your health.

  • Receive discounted medical services in the US. Though our partnership with UNH, our international health coverage can provide significant discounts on expensive, yet necessary, medical care.

  • Group plan holders get coverage for preexisting medical conditions after 24 months. Best Doctors Insurance is one of the only international health insurance companies that will cover any preexisting medical condition after 24 months.

  • Invest in your employees. Employers who give their employees the care they deserve can create and sustain a corporate culture of engagement, retention and loyalty.

  • Peace of mind. With a robust international health insurance policy in place, you can rest assured that your health, and your family’s health, is in the best possible hands at all times.

Announcing a new product for brokers: "GLOBAL MEDICAL CARE"

Please visit the GMC Broker website for more details.

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